09.30 Registration Opens at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington10.00 Welcome Introduction - Ben Challis (Glastonbury Festival / AGF) and Teresa Moore (Bucks New University)10.10 Reducing food waste - When you are feeding the audience, sustainable supplies and managing food waste are important considerations. This presentation looks at best practice in reducing food waste. With Jacqui Reeves & Rebecca Sarll (Fareshare South West)10.30 Reducing camp site waste: We are all familiar with the devastating scene left behind in some festival campsites each summer. Latest figures from AIF show that 1 in 5 people have left their tent at a festival! Love Your Tent is a fantastic campaign that is looking to change this. Our speakers present what they have found and discuss the solutions. With Rick Story (Eco-action Partnership) and Holger Jan Schmidt (Green Events Europe)11.00 The Power Behind Festivals Last year compelling research put the scale of wasted fuel on festival sites in to figures. Our panel of highly experienced individuals will explore what is currently happening with our festivals power, how efficiency can be improved, demand reduced and carbon emissions saved. What are the power supply options available today? Whilst some festivals have achieved 100% renewable energy, others believe there is really no reliable alternative to the diesel generator for a major event. What are the facts, and where do we go from here? Panel: Chris Johnson (The Shambala Festival) Andy Mead Festivals (Firefly Solar), Rob Scully (Croissant Neuf Summer Party) and Bill Egan (Aggreko). Moderator - Nic Howden (Access All Areas).11.45 Break12.15 Managing waste at festivals. With the theme of saving by reducing, this panel hosts a wide range of expert speakers looking at key issues in erducing waaste and waste management- not to be missed. Panel Moderator: Claire O’Neill, A Greener Festival with Holger Jan Schmidt (Green Events Germany), Ed Cook (Ed Cook Consultancy), Jo Vidler (Secret Garden Party /Wilderness) and Marek Gordon (SITA, Olympics 2012 waste contractor). Marek will also give a short presentation on efforts taken to reduce waste at the London 2012 Olympics.13.15 Lunch14.30 Understanding the Audience: Exclusive Audience research data for UK & European festivals in 2012. With Teresa Moore (Bucks New University)14.30 AGF Environmental Assessors break out meeting (Victoria Suite, with Helen Wright)15.10 The Greener Festival Award scheme 2013 & the aggregated 2012 results of entrants to the 2012 scheme. How green were we last year? And what can be done better in 2013? With Helen Wright (AGF).15.40 Break16.00 Focus on Finland - The EcoCompass Event – the Finnish environmental management system and also a focus on the Helsinki area’s environmental plans: Elina Levula and Salla Koivusalo (Greening Events Project).16.30 Water Matters - Chris Cornish (Oakridge Environmental Services) will explain the legal framework for water use on temporary events, and answer your water quandaries. Chris will present about the essential resource of water and its use in festivals17.15 The Green Ticket - New research reveals the environmental impact of the various methods of ticket delivery: with Dave Newton (We Got Tickets) and Sam Chapman (Edinburgh University)[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"][divider_line]Thursday March 7th 2013 in the Albert Suite at the ILMC.To get your tickets now: REGISTER HERE. A full day pass is just £75 with buffet lunch included. ILMC delegates and members of the Association of Independent Festivals (AIF), Yourope, The Association of Festival Organisers (AFO) and full time students can apply for a discount rate of £50.Presented by A Greener Festival, Bucks New University and the Association of Independent Festivals
Live streaming by Etherlive and Pictureworks SPONSORED BY
Lettuce Flowers will provide living table displays [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]