modern slavery statement
AGF is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving sustainability of events, tours, venues, festivals and all live sector contributors. Our goal is to help the events sector become more sustainable through the provision of independent certification, training, CO2 analysis and consultation for all event types internationally.
AGF recognises that modern slavery refers to the illegal practices of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking which can be inclusive of child labour, domestic servitude, sex trafficking and workplace abuse. Modern slavery remains a violation of an individual’s basic human rights and AGF is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This policy statement for financial year ending April 2024, reflects AGF’s commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationship and to implementing and enforcing appropriate systems and controls to ensure slavery, human trafficking and child labour is not taking place anywhere in our organisation or supply chains.
As a small not for profit organisation providing sustainability consultancy services, AGF has minimal supply chains. However AGF remains diligent and committed to preventing any form of modern slavery. AGF support the Modern Slavery Act 2015 through the following commitments and actions:
Procurement practices which require high standards of ethics and behaviours from across our supply chain.
Recruitment practices which ensure all workers have the appropriate right to work and are paid fairly.
Assessor code of conduct – this sets out the behaviours we expect from colleagues when representing AGF during their assessment and consultancy activities. As such we expect them to act with integrity and in an ethical manner.
Encouragement of the reporting of any concerns around modern slavery with protection of any whistleblowers.
Regular review and all policies to maintain and improve commitments and controls to prevent modern slavery.
Supporting Policies
The following policies support AGF’s Modern Slavery commitments:
Ethical Policy
Assessor Code of Conduct
Health, Safety, & Welfare Policy