Green Events and Innovations: first panellists confirmed, and AFO discount announced
Confirmed panellists include Chris Johnson (Shambala Festival), Claire O’Neill (A Greener Festival/AIF), Andy Willcott (Critical Waste), Jacqui Reeves (Fareshare South West), Clive Phillips (Green Box Events), Holger Jan Schmidt (Green Events Europe), Ed Cook, Rick Storey (Love Your Tent/Isle of Wight), Teresa Moore (Bucks New University) and Ben Challis (A Greener Festival/Glastonbury Festival). Registration for £75 per delegate (including lunch) here and we are delighted to offer the discount rate of £50 per delegate to Association of Festival Organiser (AFO) members. The discount rate also applies to Yourope members, ILMC Delegates, AIF members and students. All day long attendees receive certification from Bucks New University. Green Events and Innovations 7th March 2013 at the ILMC, Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington, London, W8, 4PL, 10.00 - 18.00.
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