MAMA Paris and the Reeperbahn Campus both put festivals on the agenda
Festivals will be firmly on the agenda at the MAMA conference in Paris on the 25th and 26th October 2012 with a headline panel invited by European Festivals Organisation YOUROPE from 10.30 to 12.00 on Thursday 25th October covering health & safety, the Yourope new standard agreement for artist booking and "cashless payment...What’s new? “. The panel will be chaired by Manfred Tari (journalist, MD Pop 100 ) and topics covered will be:- Standard agreement : for the past 24 months, YOUROPE has been working with it's festival members to develop a festival 'standard agreement' for booking artistes. Force majeure, cancellation, deposits, payment terms, taxes, insurance, curfews and noise limits are some of the contractual clauses are still causing difficulties in negotiations between agents and festivals. YOUROPE has been looking to see how to facilitate a European level a consensus that would satisfy all professional partners (artists, managers, agents, festivals )? Ben Challis, the Glastonbury Festival lawyer, was asked to develop a set of standard terms, and Ben will review YOUROPE's most recent proposals, and the responses from the main agencies.- Health @ Safety : Since 2006, and in conjunction with Bucks New University, Yourope has organised with its YES Yourope Event Safety Group, providing over a dozen risk management seminars for security staff and safety management all over Europe. Pascal Viot, Security manager from the Paleo Festival in Nyon, will be on hand to detail the major issues and recent progress in terms of security management, and tell us what kind of tools the YES Group is putting in place to improve event safety.- Cashless payment : A growing number of festivals are now willing to use this solution on site - to avoid the circulation of cash and allowing complete control over revenue sources. But using such a system arises complex problems. Fruzsina Szèp, program director from the Sziget Festival, which has been using cashless payment for the last two years, will let us know about the "do’s and don’ts" the main difficulties, and the best possible conditions to implement a succesful cashless payment system.- And Christof Huber, Yourope’s General Secretary, will make a brief presentation of others Yourope activities and the current status of the association. Other convention topics include DIGITAL ECONOMY : IS EVERYBODY WINNING?, MUSIC AND BRANDS: NEW AND ONGOING RELATIONSHIPS, STAYING ALIVE! ONE HIT WONDER - SUPERSTAR - OR SOMEWHERE IN-BETWEEN? , BUREAU EXPORT - FOCUS ON GERMAN MARKET and HOW CAN RECORD LABELS EARN MORE BY WORKING MORE EFFICIENTLY IN THE DIGITAL MUSIC WORLD?More on MAMA - the gateway to the French market, here at and