A Message from GREENPEACE
Here are three easy things you can do this November - and beyond - to help keep Greenpeace in action. Our recent Go Beyond Oil tour was a great example of how important your donations are to us. Whether your money goes towards a ship satellite phone, a lifejacket or a climbing harness you can be sure your gift will be put to good use to help us deliver our campaigns.
1. Recycle your mobileIf you've got a spare mobile knocking around that you're unsure what to do with then please recycle it for Greenpeace. Go to www.shpforcharity.co.uk/greenpeace and select 'recycle now'. Find out how much your phone is worth and choose how much of it you'd like to donate to Greenpeace - you'll be able to get a bit back for yourself too. 2. Put on a Flour Power fundraiser
Join our new autumn fundraiser Flour Power and bake cakes, not the planet. So far over 1000 people have signed up and over 400 have downloaded our fundraising leaflet and recipe book online. We held our first Flour Power fundraiser here at Greenpeace HQ yesterday and raised nearly £50. Not bad for a cake break! To find out more and sign up go to www.greenpeace.org.uk/flourpower 3. Get your Christmas shopping started early
Greenpeace Giving is back! We'll be adding some special new gifts for Christmas over the next few weeks so watch this space. In the meantime you can still get all your old favourite virtual gifts like Protect an Ugly Fish and the Love Bug. You can request your ecards to be delivered at any time so you can order now for a future birthday or anniversary, or even get your Christmas pressies in the bag early. Visit www.greenpeacegiving.org.uk to see the full selection of gifts.