Our favourite summer photos
Ben has just come back from Green Events Europe which was held in Bonn on November 2nd and 3rd, and we were asked to provide some photos from some of the most inspiring and innovative summer festivals. They were pinned up on some brillant display boards along with some great images from other festivals like Malmo and Ilosasrirock - So here they are - and many thanks to our two festival environmental auditors, Penny (Glastonbury, Open Air in the Czech Republic and We Love Green in Paris) and Helen (Wood and Camp Bestival) for these great pictures. Enjoy!Glastonbury thanks the green travellersGlastonbury bike park
Open Air CZ recycling bins
Trams at Open Air CZ
Who needs bottled water??
We Love Green in France
We Love Green - solar powered stage
We Love Green France
Compost toilets - We Love Green
Solar Stage - We Love Green
The Solar Stage at Wood
Compost loos at Wood
...and finally, the kids loos at Camp Bestival