The Electric Hotel - at Shambala - and planting trees!
electrOur friends at THE ELECTRIC HOTEL are very pleased to announce that from every charging procedure they complete at the SHAMBALA FESTIVAL 2013 this weekend one pound – yes – one pound will straight to the FESTIVAL WOOD, if visitors decide to have their device charged rather than generating their own electricity. Brilliant! The Electric Hotel charges mobile phones with electricity from the sun, wind, water - and human muscle - fusing technology, ideas and design from over a century of electric history.The FESTIVAL WOOD is wild forest regeneration initiative from A Greener Festival. It is not an offset scheme. The Festival Woods is an opportunity for the festival community to give something back to the great outdoors that we love to enjoy. A festival legacy that will grow and grow. A Greener Festival chose to team with Trees for Life to create the Festival Wood, due to their proven and outstanding commitment to restoring, protecting and nurturing the wild forests in the Scottish Highlands.
“Trees for Life‘s vision is to restore a wild forest, which is there for its own sake, as a home for wildlife and to fulfil the ecological functions necessary for the wellbeing of the land itself.” Trees are planted in natural distribution patterns at sites that offer maximum benefits for biodiversity. Trees for Life’s focus is on native species grown from locally collected seed, including Scots pine, willow, rowan, birch, hazel, alder, holly, aspen and bird cherry. The Festival Woods are beginning in Dundreggan, an area of 10,000 acres of wild land near Loch Ness.Electric Hotel’s generosity is amazing – and we also want to invite festivals, festival-goers, artists, suppliers and the whole festival community to get involved and donate trees, at £5 each, to this lasting positive restoration. We hope to one day see the Festival Woods flourish to become a diverse Festival Forest, rich with biodiversity and protected wilderness.
The Electric Hotel has been on tour – dates here:.SHAMBALA FESTIVAL 201323/08/2013 – 25/08/2013WACKEN OPEN AIR 201301/08/2013 – 03/08/2013GREENVILLE FESTIVAL 201326/07/2013 – 28/07/2013HESSENTAG 201314/06/2013 – 23/06/2013LANGE NACHT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN 2013 AUF DEM EUREF-CAMPUS08/06/2013
BLOOOM 201201/11/2012 – 04/11/2012DESIGNERS OPEN 201225/10/2012 – 28/10/2012100% ERNEUERBARE ENERGIE REGIONEN25/09/2012 – 27/09/2012ILA BERLIN AIR SHOW11/09/2012 – 16/09/2012More at - charging ahead.