full list of delegates

The delegate list is updated on a weekly basis

A - G

Neftali Acosta, Sonidos Liquidos / Spain

Amelia Adebomi, ClientEarth / UK

Colette Adu-Badu, In Place of War/ UK

Farah Ahmed, Julie's Bicycle / UK

Naheed Akhtar, University of The West of Scotland / UK

Jo Allen, University of Brighton / UK

Eryn Anderson, The Black Box / UK

Louisa Anderson, And Events / UK

Laura Armstrong, Loud Sound / UK

Lysander Ashton, 59 Studio / UK

Gua Astudottir, Proper Productions / UK

Gary Atterton, Re-uz UK Ltd / UK

Ciaran Austin, Pure Represents / UK

Tobias Azizah, Meta / Vegetarian Society / UK

Eva Balaban, Berlin Music Commission / Germany

Emma Ball, NEC Group Arenas / UK

Clair Barnes, World Weather Attribution / Imperial College London / UK

Joe Barnett, We Out Here / UK

Christopher Barrett, Access All Areas / UK

Angus Baskerville, Pure Represents / UK

Alicia Bastos von Dollinger, Independent / UK

Molly Bates, Mycofilter / UK

Maia Barker, Attitude is Everything / UK 

Clair Barnes, World Weather Attribution / Imperial College London / UK

Joe Barnett, We Out Here / UK

Amina Beg, In Place of War / UK

Lucy Bell-Reeves, NPK Recovery / UK

Megan Best, Native Events Ltd. / Julie's Bicycle Europe / Ireland

Anais Biaux, Without Walls / UK

Leonie Biba, Paléo Festival Nyon / Switzerland

Paula Birtwistle, Super Culture / UK

Julie Blore-Bizot, L-Acoustics / France

Josephina Bodimeade, Shambala Festival / UK

Sam Booth, AEG Europe / UK

Adrian Bossey , Falmouth University / UK

Laure Bouillon, Paradise City / Belgium

Pauline Bourdon, Soliphilia /UK

Esmee Bouwmeister, DGTL / The Netherlands

Chris Bown, The Full EV / UK

Alex Brooke, Peppermint Bars / UK

Shaleena Brown, Ecotricity / UK

Paula Brown, Forest Green Rovers Football Club / UK

Graham Brown, Brown Fox Comms / UK

Nika Brunet Milunovic, Freelance / Austria

Connor Bryant, Rubbish Ideas / UK

Suzanne Bull MBE Attitude is Everything / UK

Richard Burnett, KB Event Ltd / UK

Hannah Burns, Greenbelt Festival / UK

Ed Butler, LS Events / UK

Maeve Campbell, Channel 4 News / Forbes / UK

Jules Carey, Freelance - Jules Carey

Finlay Carroll, Birmingham Hippodrome / Independent / UK

Thibaut Casanova, 5STAIRS / France

Veronica Casas, Blanco Y Negro Music / Spain

Lee Chadburn, National Ice Centre & Moterpoint Arena / UK

Jamal Chalabi, A Greener Future / UK

Ron Chamberlain, Live Nation Global Touring / Canada

Kate Chapman, London Marathon Events / UK

Francesco Chiocci, Umbria Jazz / Italy

James Clark, Re-uz UK Ltd / UK

Laura Clark, LD Eventos / Spain

Courtney Clarke, The Royal Parks / UK

Eloise Clarke, A Greener Future / UK

Caroline Clift, Standout Magazine / UK

Bill Clyde, Freelance / UK

Greg Cochrane, Freelance / UK

Robbie Cockroft, Rocket Graphics / UK

Shane Collins, Green Gathering / UK

Stephane Cony, Stephane Cony / UK

Chris Cooper, ShotAway / UK

Brendan Cooper, Resource Futures / UK

Katia Costantino, Live Nation / UK

Nikita Coulter, A Greener Future / Ireland

Alex Covell, Attitude is Everything / UK

Rhys Crowther, Southbank Centre / UK

Mickey Curbishley, Solotech / USA

Arwyn Davies, The Royal Parks / UK

Leighton Davies , The Full EV / UK

Kirk Davis, Falmouth University / UK

Alex Day, Big Give / UK

Marisa de Brito, Breda University of Applied Sciences / The Netherlands

Maria Elena De Matteo, We Move Waves / Italy

Pieric Decaesteker , A Greener Future / France

Amy Deering, ABBA Voyage / UK

Mark Denbigh, Norfolk & Norwich Festival / UK

Alexandra Dermout, Rabobank / The Netherlands

Nigel Dewar Gibb, Lewis Silkin LLP / UK

Dora Dioszeghy, Sziget Festival / Hungary

Erik Distler, AEG / USA

Christopher Dixon, VeloConcerts / UK

Damian Dobrenko, Cineworld Cinemas / UK

Dan Dodds, Stufish Entertainment Architects / UK

Akos Dominus, Sziget Festival / Hungary

Owen Donkin, Proper Productions / UK

Mark Donne, Brass Moustache / UK

Ingrid Døssland, Musikkontoret Brak / Norway

Steven Down, Only Helix Ltd / UK

Paul Ducker, New Directions College, Reading / UK

Shane Dunne, MCD Productions / Ireland

Bethany Duxbury-Campbell, Big Give / UK

Todd Dyer, Cast & Crew Live Entertainment / USA

Catherine Early, Freelance / UK

Stefan Edwards, Bristol City Council / UK

Fiona Ellis, DF Concerts & Events / UK

Maria del Pilar Enrile Taub, Wheelskeep / Spain

Roxy Erickson, Creative Zero / UK

Laura Evans, Big Give / UK

Abena Fairweather, Legacy Marketplace / UK

Nada Farhoud, The Mirror / UK

Jane Fielder-Scrivens, Ecotricity / UK

Alex Fintoni, A Greener Future / UK

Charlie Forbes, A Greener Future / UK

Nic Forsdike, Gofer Limited / UK

Frances Fox, Climate Live / UK

Sally Freeman, Love Live Music UK/ Eat, Sleep, Rave, Relax / UK

Callum French, BBC Radio / UK

Helen Freudenberg, A Greener Future / UK

Anne Frost, I Thought I Knew How LLC. / USA

Andy Fryers, Hay Festival Global / UK

Olaf Furniss, Wide Days / UK

Marie Furseth, Øyafestivalen / Norway

James Gallagher-Powell, d&b audiotechnik / UK

G - N

Kiran Gandhi, Madame Gandhi / USA

Emma Gannon, 59 Studio / UK

Justin Gawn, TPi Magazine / UK

Mihaela Georgescu, Falmouth University / UK

Valia Giannakaki, British Science Association / UK

Lucy Glass, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park / UK

Rich Godsell, AEG Europe / UK

Marvin Goenadi, Singapore Sports Hub / Singapore

Phil Golston, A Greener Future / UK

Victoria Gomez, A Greener Future / France

Mary Beth Gouthro, Bournemouth University / UK

Vanessa Govinden, Offshoot Tours / UK

Daniel Green, Live Nation / UK

Danny Greene, Coventry City Council / Godiva Festival / UK

Aurore Groult, Bye Bye Plastic Foundation / The Netherlands

Camille Guitteau, Bye Bye Plastic Foundation / The Netherlands

Sascha Gustard-Murawski, The Bub (Part of Trivandi Group) / UK

Becki Haines, 59 Studio x Journey / UK

Kati Hall, Creative Zero CIC / UK

Christina Hamilton, ABBA Voyage / UK

Sam Handley, MM Band Services / UK

Emilie Hansen, Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center / Denmark

Craig Hardeman, Power Logistics / UK

Amnon Harman, d&b group / Germany

Hannah Hartley, A Greener Future / UK

Daisy Hayes, Nutricia Ltd / UK

Dolly Hazlitt-Powell, Murmur / UK

Jane Healy, Glastonbury Festival / J Healy productions / UK

Steve Heap, EIF / UK

Lykle Hemminga, Pieter Smit Trucking & Nightliners / The Netherlands

Adam Hempenstall, Peppermint / UK

Richard Hering, Resistance Exhibition / UK

Derek Hill, Greenbelt Festival / UK

David Hind, Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management / UK

Laura Hoar, Lance Show & Publications Ltd / UK

Zoe Hodge, University of Westminster / UK

Chris Holz, Universal Pixels Limited / UK

Loughnan Hooper, ARD Software / Ireland

David Hopkins, A Greener Future / UK

Hannah Horlock, A Greener Future / UK

James Horn, SCL Education Group t/a Kick Off in Business / UK

Helena Horton, The Guardian / UK

Steven Howell, Howden Insurance Brokers / UK

Christy Howells, A Greener Future / UK

Christof Huber, Gadget Entertainment Group AG / Switzerland

Cameron Hughes, Far and Beyond / BBC Live Music & Events / UK

Miriam Huk, A Greener Future / UK

Stew Hume, TPi Magazine / UK

Alison Hussey, Rockstar Services/ UK

Harriet Hutton, IMG Limited / UK

Orsolya IfiValde, Paloznaki Jazzpiknik / Hungary

Irmak Incedayi, Dogus Hospitality & Retail - Bonus Parkorman / Turkey

Helen Innes, Hubbub / A Greener Future / UK

Claudia Inzerillo, Sport e Salute Spa / Italy

Asa Jamieson, Peppermint Events / UK

Tine Jespersen, Live Nation Denmark /Denmark

Christopher Johnson, Kambe / Shambala Festival / UK

Jess Jones, Greenbelt Festival / UK

Veronica Jones, Imperial College London / UK

Eefje Jonkman, Rabobank / The Netherlands

Kadri Kalle, Acento / Estonia

Sytske Kamstra, A Greener Future / UK

Jared Keating, Kite LLC / UK

Victoria Kendall, Ecotricity / UK

Megan Kenyon, The New Statesman / UK

Chantal Kerr-Sheppard, Event Cycle / UK

Laila Khan, Music Support / UK

Jojo Khor, Offshoot Tours / UK

Kristine Ringstrøm Kock, Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center / Denmark

Maximilian Kromer, DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG /  

Mathieu Labey, Wheelskeep / France

Mike Laflin, Global Sustainable Sport / UK

Isha Lakhani, Oxford Brookes University / UK

Kees Lamers, MOJO Concerts / The Netherlands

Johnny Lance, The Showman's Show / UK

Céline Lavergnat, Paléo Festival Nyon / Switzerland

Stefano Lazzari, Umbria Jazz / Italy

Vicky Le Lerre, EarthPercent / UK

Maja Leye, Flanders Classics / Belgium

Hannah Leyshon, The Bunkhouse Bar & Music Venue – Swansea / UK

Jon Linstrum, Arts Council England / UK

Adam Lockton, Cancer Research UK / UK

Jonathan Lomax, ILMC/IQ / UK

Robert Long, Zenobe Energy / UK

Nerea Lopez Lago, Coventry City Council/Godiva Festival / UK

Sienna Lukey, Oxford Brookes University / UK

Sarah Lüngen, The Changency / Germany

Madeleine Macey, Skydiamond / UK

Liz Madden, NoNonsense Staging / UK

Danielle Magalhaes, UNFCCC / Germany

Tongai Makawa, Magamba Network / UK

Andrew Marshall, Digitwell Solutions Ltd / UK

Gordon Masson, IQ Magazine / UK

Victoria Matthews, European Arenas Association / UK

Bonnie May, Eat to the Beat / UK

Chris McDonnell, Good Noise Productions Ltd / UK

Tom McGlynn, London Marathon Events / UK

Tony McGurk, re-universe / UK

Declan McKenna, / UK 

Kate McKinley, RAFCTE / UK

Carly McLachlan, Tyndall Centre Manchester / UK

Kevin McMullan, EventFlanders / Belgium

Nikki McNeill, Global Publicity / UK

Hazel McShane, Peequal / UK

Michelle Melissen, Pieter Smit Trucking & Nightliners / UK

Jenny Melville , 59 Studio / UK

Kay Merce, UNFCCC / Germany

Phil Mercer, Universal Pixels Limited / UK

Ashley Miles, DF Concerts & Events / UK

Ash Miles, DF Concerts & Events / UK

Sally Mills, Liverpool Accelerator City / UK

Rhia Mitsuhashi, 59 Studio / UK

Ana Moles Forcada, A Greener Future / Spain

Evie Moller, The Royal Parks / UK

Dr Teresa Moore, A Greener Future / UK

Suzi Morin, The Royal Parks / UK

Dan Morrell, Balance / UK

Steve Muggeridge, Green Gathering / UK

Dahlia Nahome, Ecotricity / UK

Ciaran Naidoo, Ecotricity / UK

N - Y

Lisa Nasta, Green Futures Festivals & Re-Play Music C.I.C / UK

Roshan Netalkar
, Swordfish Integrated Marketing Agency / India

Danny Newby, Big Green Coach / UK

Wicki Nielsen, A Greener Future / Italy

Ian Nightingale, The Royal Parks / UK

Lucy Noble, AEG Presents / UK

Simon Nenseter Nome, Grønn Festival / Musikkontoret Nord / Norway

Jone Nuutinen, Norband Ltd Oy / Finland

Agostina Obeid, A Greener Future / Spain

Tundun Obidipe, 59 Studio / UK

Scarlet Olivera Sanchez, Falmouth University / UK

Alessandro Oliveri, Médecins Sans Frontières / UK

Claire O'Neill, A Greener Future / UK

Murat Opan, Montreux Jazz Festival / Switzerland

Chris Organ, Ecotricity / UK

Gareth Ospina, IQ Magazine / UK

John O'Sullivan, Act_1.5 / UK

Marco Ouwerkerk, Green Leisure Group / The Netherlands

Alexis Parkin, 4Wall Entertainment UK / UK

Greg Parmley, ILMC/IQ / UK

Philippa Parry, Vandenbergh UK / UK

Gavin Pattison, York Racecourse / UK

Shaun Pearce, Pearce Hire / UK

Becky Pearson, Eat To the Beat / UK

Alice Pelly, EarthPercent / UK

Elaine Pennefather, Nutricia, Danone / Ireland

Jone Pérez, A Greener Future / Spain

Lily Perinchief-Ingham, Oxford Brookes University / UK

Zoe Peters, Oxford Brookes University / UK

Richard Phillips, Julie's Bicycle / UK

Tara Phillips, Boomtown Festival / UK

Russell Phillips, VeloConcerts / UK

Matt Phipps, Moss UK / UK

Sarah Pickthall, SyncLeadership.com / UK

Chris Prosser, ILMC / UK

Paolo Proto, Ecotricity / UK

Phoenix Rainbow, Resistance Exhibition / UK

Aiden Ramsey, Falmouth University / UK

Beth Rice, In Place of War - Climate Whispers / UK

Jeffrey Ringenier, Pieter Smit Trucking & Nightliners / The Netherlands

John Robb, Louder Than War / UK

Terry Roberts, Edinburgh International Festival / UK

Verel Rodrigues, Ecotricity / UK

John Rostron, Association of Independent Festivals / UK

Simon Roth, PSS | Production Service Switzerland AG / Switzerland

Cathy Runciman, EarthPercent / UK

Lisa Ryan, Inspired Event Logistics Ltd / UK

Aisling Ryan, Ryans Cleaning Event Specialists Ltd / Ireland

Adrian Ryan, Ryans Cleaning Event Specialists Ltd / Ireland

Marie Sabot, WE LOVE GREEN / France

Oumar Saleh, IQ Magazine / UK

Samantha Salisbury, Jonsam Events Ltd / UK

Daniel Santa, Paloznaki Jazzpiknik / Hungary

Andrea Santini, Stadio Olimpico - Sport e Salute / Italy

Jamie Saye, SAIL / UK

Anne Sayer, A Greener Future / UK

Paul Scaife, Event Wine Solutions / UK

Lucy Scrase, A Greener Future / UK

Rob Sealy, Openstage / UK

Esther Seguara, Blanco Y Negro Music /Spain

Hortense Serret, Nabi Ecology / France

Harriet Shannon, Bristol City Council / UK

Archie Sharpe, University of Reading / UK

Nicole Sheehan, MCD Productions / Hungary

Mary Shelley-Smith, Eat To the Beat / UK

Anu Shukla, Resident Advisor / UK

Danielle Silvester, N/A / Belgium

Tia Simpson, KB Event Ltd / UK

Jason Singh, / UK

Jonas Skielboe, VeloConcerts / Austria

Mark Smith, Forest Green Rovers FC / UK

Richard Smith, Southby Productions / UK

Jona Sorger, Green Steps / UK

Michael Soro, Native Events / Ireland

Melanie Stegemann, d&b audiotechnik / UK

Suzy Stonehouse, Falmouth University / UK

Pippa Street, Guide Dogs / UK

Nikki Sykes, Academy Music Group / UK

Ivan T. Hall, Phe Festival / Spain

Jennifer Taillefer, Freelance / UK

Sam Taylor, Ecotricity / UK

Michelle Tayton, Eventive Media Limited / UK

Pip Thomas, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park / UK

Sam Thomson, MSF UK / UK

Lily Tomkins, NEC Group Arenas / UK

Jacob Tompkins, The Water Retail Company / UK

Alex Townshend, You. Smart. Thing. / UK

Robert Trebus, d&b audiotechnik / Germany

Lucas Trouessin, Paradise City Festival / Belgium

Libby Urvois, TicketSellers / UK

Stacey Uwimana, A Greener Future / UK

Jenna Valenti, Academy Music Group / UK

Ferdinand van Dalsen, Pieter Smit Trucking & Nightliners / The Netherlands

Peter van Galen, I Hear You BV / The Netherlands

Maarten van 't Veld, ID&T / The Netherlands

Rob van Wegen, ESNS / The Netherlands

Jake Vernum , Pearce Hire / UK

Frans Verouden, Green Leisure Group / The Netherlands

Dale Vince OBE, Ecotricity / UK

Zoë Vindevogel, Flanders / Belgium

Pascal Viot, Paleo Festival / Classics Switzerland

Alicia Waibel, Populous Ltd / UK

Sangeeta Waldron, Serendipity PR & Media / UK

Colin Wallace, MM Band Services / UK

Hilary Walsh, Pure Represents / UK

Mark Ward, Proper Productions / UK

Karen Wefelmeyer, d&b group / Germany

Em Weirdigan, Green Gathering / UK

Maciej Werk, Soundedit Festival / Poland

Archie Wilkinson, Lifesaver Power / UK

Vanessa Wilmot, The Pokémon Company International / USA

Katrin Wipper, The Changency / Germany

Antony Wolowiec, Ecotricity / UK

Mark Woolaston, Green Knight Studios / UK

Patricia Yagüe, Live Nation / France